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isamu noguchi中文是什么意思

用"isamu noguchi"造句"isamu noguchi"怎么读"isamu noguchi" in a sentence


  • 日裔美籍雕塑家野口勇
  • 野口勇


  • Black slide mantra and isamu noguchi after drawing plans for moerenuma park , noguchi once again visited sapporo in may 1998 , this time to announce the first prototype model of the park
  • Isamu noguchi and moerenuma project an interview with director yamamoto of moerenuma park , who at the time was chief clerk for the promotion of greening in the sapporo city division of landscape and gardening , regarding the days of planning the layout of the park
    沼公园计画当时、札幌市?化推进部造园课环状?地系长公园建设? 、现在沼公园园长山本仁、公园计画当时?子闻。
用"isamu noguchi"造句  
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